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Resources for Veterans Suffering from Hearing Loss


If you read some of our most recent articles, you know that the attorneys and legal team at Vollor Law Firm, P.A., P.A. are committed to providing legal representation for veterans that suffered hearing loss or damage due to defective 3M Combat Arms Earplugs.


If you or a loved one suffered from hearing loss after returning to the U.S. from active duty, you may be wondering what resources are available to help you begin moving forward with your life. Here are some of the resources that the VA provides to veterans who suffered hearing loss and how an attorney at Vollor Law Firm, P.A., P.A. may be able to help you further.

Medical Treatment

The VA provides support and medical resources to the 2.6 million veterans who are currently receiving disability for injuries related to hearing loss or tinnitus. Hearing aids are one of the most widely used treatments for veterans with hearing loss. These devices can be used to improve the hearing of those who suffered hearing loss while in service.


Tinnitus is the number-one disability among veterans. Unfortunately, while there is no known cure for this problem right now, the VA’s goal is to help manage symptoms and reduce the negative impact that it can have on veterans’ lives by 1. providing progressive tinnitus management and 2. resources to help with mental health conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD.

Disability Benefits

For soldiers who suffered any form of hearing loss while serving the U.S., the VA provides different forms of benefits in order to assist current and future living while improving the quality of veterans’ lives. Depending on the severity and type of hearing loss that was sustained, veterans may qualify for disability checks or assistance dogs to help them live with the hearing they have left.

Obtaining Legal Representation for Your Hearing Loss

The legal team at Vollor Law Firm, P.A. is committed to helping veterans seek financial compensation for injuries they sustained due to the defective earplugs. Hearing loss can be devastating to an individual and their family. It can be especially heartbreaking when it occurred due to a company’s negligence while that individual was fighting to protect our country.


You helped protect our rights while serving in the military, and now it’s time to let us protect yours. If you suffered hearing loss due to defective earplugs while serving in the Armed Forces from 2003-2015, do not hesitate to contact our firm. We will work hard to make sure you receive proper compensation for your injuries so you can focus on moving forward and receiving the treatment and assistance you need.


Contact our firm at (662) 269-6188 for a free and confidential consultation.

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