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Starkville JUUL Injury Attorney: Protecting Your Rights

Advocating for Clients in North Mississippi to Get Justice

The popularity of e-cigarettes like JUUL and similarly styled devices has grown exponentially over the last several years. What was marketed as a safe alternative to smoking was marketed to young adults and teens across the country. Unfortunately, what was thought to be a safe alternative to smoking has been linked to many serious health concerns. There has been an increase in lawsuits and class actions against JUUL labs brought by victims who claimed the company's products harmed them by causing addiction, manufacturing faulty products, and exposing consumers to dangerous carcinogens. JUUL and other e-cigarettes use nicotine cartridges that contain glycerol, propylene alcohol, and other toxic chemicals. The nicotine concentration in JUUL vaping liquids and those from other manufacturers have also been linked to complications and harmful effects from overexposure.

If you think JUUL products or other e-cigarettes harmed you or someone you love, you should begin working with an experienced JUUL lawsuit attorney. Vollor Law Firm, P.A., a boutique law firm serving clients throughout Mississippi, is accepting cases related to JUUL injury and harmful effects caused by other vaping products. The long-term effects of using devices like JUUL or other e-cigarettes have not been fully discovered.

If you or your loved ones have experienced injuries, call (662) 269-6188 at any time to schedule a meeting with the attorneys at Vollor Law Firm, P.A. We will fight for just compensation in your case.

Understanding the Harmful Effects of JUUL and E-cigarettes

JUUL devices have been a concern of medical professionals for a few years. They have started to see worrisome signs associated with continued use. Studies have already shown the harmful effects of habitual nicotine use, which are even graver in adolescents. Regular nicotine use can negatively impact the brain and lung development in teens and young adults. JUUL devices are particularly troublesome because their proprietary e-liquid has a higher nicotine concentration than other vaping devices. JUUL e-liquids carry twice the concentration of other e-cigarettes devices.

Regular vaping using JUUL, or other e-cigarettes, can lead to short-term side effects, such as:

  • Coughing
  • Dizziness
  • Sore, Dry Throat
  • Dry Mouth & Eyes
  • Headaches
  • Nausea
  • Shortness of Breath

While these short-term side effects are uncomfortable, medical evidence has shown they are likely to disappear from discontinued use or over continued usage. JUULs and e-cigarettes have been available in the market since 2015, so it’s too soon to know the long-term effects of continued usage. However, from what researchers know about the ingredients in vaping liquid, there are substantial risks to those exposed to these chemicals long-term.

Long-term contact with the chemicals and substances in e-liquid has the potential to cause:

  • Respiratory Distress & Lung Damage
  • Reproductive Challenges
  • Circulatory Problems

With the recency of studies following long-term usage of e-cigarettes, there will be a wait before knowing the actual long-term effects of vaping.

Key Allegations in the JUUL Class-Action Lawsuit

The current class-action lawsuit against JUUL Labs, Altria, and Phillip Morris claims the companies knew their product had no safe applications for non-smokers and would be detrimental to those with existing nicotine addiction.

The class-action lawsuit also claims JUUL Labs:

  • Knowingly created an e-cigarette solution with a higher nicotine concentration to make it more addictive than a traditional cigarette.
  • Failed to disclose the addictiveness of its product, and they used a wide variety of mass communication tools to disseminate false and deceitful information in support of their product.
  • Failed to disclose the greater risk its product posed to children and young adults.
  • Failed to warn consumers of the dangers presented by its product’s elevated nicotine concentration.
  • Aggressively campaigned and targeted their products to young people despite elevated harm to the age group presented by their product.

Get in Touch with Our Starkville JUUL Injury Attorneys

There are serious health concerns associated with e-cigarette usage. If you think you or someone you care for has been harmed because they used JUUL or other branded e-cigarettes, Vollor Law Firm, P.A. can help. When you choose our firm for your legal representation, we will spend the time to help validate your claim and determine if you have a case. We have over 20 years of experience fighting for the rights of Mississippians.

Call today at (662) 269-6188 to schedule a consultation with our knowledgeable Starkville Juul lawsuit attorneys.

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    Predatory and dishonest businessman attempted to take advantage of a young entrepreneur. After difficult litigation, a Judge ruled for our client.